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Motivation matters

Posted in Mind Matters

This year, beat the winter blues by keeping a positive mindset. Here’s how


If you’re starting to feel as though winter will never end and the thought of summer hacks and competitions seem like an eternity away, we’re here to help.

By setting some goals and having ideas in place now, not only will you have plenty to look forward to when the weather improves, but your new positive mindset will give you the tools to cope with winter challenges, too.

Read on to discover how to keep your horsey motivation levels up, and go into 2024 with the right approach for a great year ahead.

1. Get set, go

How many times have you been meaning to set yourself goals, but somehow have never found the time? There’s no better moment than right now to put your action plan in place and focus on your horsey intentions.

What do you want to achieve with your horse next season? Perhaps you’d like to qualify for a championship or maybe you’d prefer to enjoy some beach rides or long hacks. Whatever your plans, writing them down makes them real and, therefore, more achievable. Not only that, but it’ll do wonders for your motivation and mental health, too.

Top tip

Talk through your aspirations with a horsey friend – discussing with a likeminded person the things you hope to achieve can be just the motivation you need to make it happen!

2. Party time 

Why not plan a yard get-together with fellow liveries? Coffee, cake and some good banter, along with the company of your equine friends, is a great way to boost morale. 

You could make the day more productive by having a group clearout. Or, instead, turn the day into a horsey quiz to test your knowledge and make the whole experience more enjoyable.

Whatever way you choose to spend your yard get-together, it’s always more fun with friends.

3. Lighten up 

One reason some people struggle with motivation in winter is the bad weather and lack of daylight hours. The great thing about owning a horse is that you have to get out and about each day, so make the most of the sunlight when you can.

Whether you’re in the saddle or spending time with your horse on the ground, being outside in the sunshine will do wonders to boost your mood and take away the strains and stresses the colder seasons can bring.

Did you know?

Serotonin is a hormone that helps to regulate levels of happiness and being exposed to sunlight can increase serotonin levels in the brain.

4. Be realistic

Remember, nobody can feel motivated 100% of the time and therefore it’s essential you’re kind to yourself on days when your energy levels are lower. Accepting you’ll feel like this some days can be empowering and help you deal with the more challenging times.

It’s all too easy to feel guilty if you don’t want to ride or clean your tack, but there’s always tomorrow. Instead, why not do something for yourself, such as reading a magazine or jumping into a warm bath?

5. Get kitted out

No doubt you’ve heard the saying ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’ and it’s certainly true that outdoor activities are much easier with the right gear.

Staying warm and dry while you’re riding and carrying out yard chores will make this time a lot more enjoyable and you’ll probably find you’re less inclined to rush home to be back in the warm.

Top tip

If you’re having more low days than highs, consider looking for some help. Whether it’s through a life coach, counsellor, self-help book or your GP, there’s someone out there who can help you get back on track.

6. Live well

A healthy diet and regular exercise are both essential ingredients for a happier lifestyle. Of course, horse ownership means you’ll always do some exercise each day, but you can also work on your riding skills from the comfort of your own home.

Check out some online Pilates or yoga classes or invest in an exercise machine to devise your own workout.

It can take a little willpower to get started but once you experience those ‘feel good’ endorphins that exercise brings, there’ll be no stopping you. What makes this idea a double winner is you’ll reap the benefits of exercise in your riding skills, too.

Daily tips

Often it’s the small things in life that can make a big difference to your day. Try these ideas for yourself…

  • Set an alarm so you get up early on your days off and make the most of your time
  • Write a ‘to do’ list each day and tick off tasks as you complete them
  • Make time for you, whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk or doing something creative
  • Talk to friends and surround yourself with people who are supportive
  • Reward yourself for the things you do, rather than punishing yourself for the things you don’t
  • Be inspired by top riders through watching videos on YouTube or attending a demo that’s taking place in your area
  • Spend time with your horse. Believe it or not, the best mental therapy you can have is right on your doorstep 

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