Taking your horse for a blast can be exhilarating for both of you, but did you know that the exertion can cause a damaging amount of heat to build up in his legs, especially if he’s wearing leg protection? We’ve rounded up the best products to keep his legs cool after hot work.
Absorbine Bigeloil quilted leg wraps
A quick alternative to traditional clay that provides the same cooling and soothing benefits.
£20.54 for a pack of eight

Leovet Cellsius cooling gel
Waterdrop technology allows the gel to bond to wet legs, creating a strong, long-lasting cooling effect.
£12.99 for 300ml

NAF Ice Cool gel
A super-cooling gel that refreshes your horse’s legs after hard work or strenuous exercise.
£26 for 2.5l

Veredus Cool clay
This natural clay provides effective recovery for
tendons after periods of intense activity.
£38 for 2.5l

Equi-N-icE ice socks
Trimmable cooling socks that can be recharged using a special cooling spray.
£9.99 per pair

Equi Cool Down leg wraps
Flexible and non-slip, these soakable wraps fasten with adjustable stretch straps for
a snug fit.
£35.99 per pair

Felix Bühler cold water boots
These boots contain a special granulate that absorbs water and stays cool for up to 30 minutes.
£54.90 per pair

LeMieux ProCool Cold Water boots
Unique water-reactive crystals swell and retain cold when soaked in water.
£42.50 per pair

Cryochaps ice wraps
Developed to mimic the benefits of traditional ice-bathing and cold water immersion, the malleable gel within the boot quickly brings leg temperatures down to below 10°C.
£85.50 per pair

Eskadron Pro-Cool boots
Designed for use during work or at rest, these boots contain a full-length gel insert and come with an accompanying cool bag.
£134.99 per pair

Horseware Ice-Vibe boots
Portable massage boots with hot or cold inserts that combine cooling and massage therapy to help prevent strains.
Standard or extra-full
£204.95 per pair

Woof Wear Ice therapy boots
Versatile boots with elasticated mesh pockets that contain removable hot and cold therapy packs, and can also hold ice.
£50 per pair