Buying Guides Mud fever products
After one of the wettest summers in 100 years, the thought of more rain and mud fills every horse owner with dread. But winter is lurking in the not-too-distant future, which means it’s time to get prepared so you can be one step ahead and keep your horse happy and healthy in, arguably, the most challenging season of the year. One of the most common conditions affecting horses in winter is mud fever, a non-contagious skin condition affecting the lower limbs. Also known as pastern dermatitis, it is caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis, which is naturally present on skin but aggravates it when it’s wet or damaged. As with any illness or condition, prevention is better than cure, and management changes are key to reducing the risk. From limiting the length of time your horse stands in muddy paddocks to keeping his skin in good health, taking a multi-pronged approach is the best way forward. We’ve rounded up a range of products for you to consider that will help you tackle the elements this winter.

Premier Equine Turnout/Mud Fever boots


Made from neoprene. Stretchy for a good fit without impeding movement.

Equilibrium Close Contact Equi-Chaps


Made from perforated neoprene with four-way stretch for a close, secure fit.

LeMieux Turnout boots


Anti-bacterial, lightweight, ventilated neoprene. Elasticated straps and skid cap help maintain boot position

Woof Wear Mud Fever boots


Waterproof, loose- fitting fabric creates a dry microclimate to prevent bacterial growth.

The Golden Paste Company TumerItch

£44.99 for 1.5kg

Contains a range of essential oils to support the immune system and bioactives to help repair skin.

Global Herbs Mud-X

From £27.95 for 500g

Soothing properties help maintain the correct bacterial balance in the skin while supporting the immune system.

Dodson & Horrell Mud Heel

From £19.81 for 1kg

A blend of herbs to support natural immunity, promote healthy skin growth
and encourage mobility.

NAF Mud Gard

From £35.99 for 690g

Contains antioxidants, herbs and other nutrients, such as MSM, to help strengthen skin.

Hilton Herbs Mud Defender

From £45.29 for 2kg

All-natural formulation of seven ingredients and herbs to support the immune system and skin integrity.

Supreme Products Leg & Mud Guard

£11.75 for 500ml

Waterproof barrier cream that keeps scabs and sores at bay. Can help prevent cracked heels.

Thomas Pettifer & Co Leg Shield

£9.99 for 400g

Antiseptic mud guard that forms a waterproof barrier to help protect skin.

Carr & Day & Martin Protection Plus

£12.95 for 500g

Creates a waterproof, protective layer on the skin, with a citronella scent.

Pro-Equine Mud Bug Buster

From £16.45 for 300g

Contains natural ingredients including neem oil to help soften scabs and encourage skin repair and hair regrowth.

Barrier Animal Health Heel to Hoof soothing cream 

From £15.74 for 250ml

Antibacterial, antifungal cream containing lanolin, orange and tea tree oil to help treat and protect skin.

Biteback Mudbar Plus

From £18.99 for 250g

Forms an antiseptic barrier to block the entry of microbes and help support the return to healthy skin.

Lincoln Muddy Buddy Ointment

£13.50 for 500g

Designed to soothe affected areas and provide a waterproof barrier.

Nettex Muddy Marvel Barrier Cream

£18.98 for 600ml

Moisturising, breathable barrier providing antibacterial protection. Helps prevent cracking.

Equine Products UK Sulphur Cream Plus

£18.33 for 500ml

A soothing, moisturising emulsion containing MSM, zinc oxide and essential oils for skin elasticity and healing.

Omega Ultra Clay

£19.99 for 500g

Bentonite clay, honey, aloe vera and essential oils form a hard, flexible barrier.

Cavalor MudDoc

£32.50 for 200ml

All-natural formula includes more than 10 essential oils to help heal, soothe and disinfect.

Zarasyl Equine Barrier Cream

£34.99 for 200ml

Contains silica, known for its association with healthy connective tissue. Breathable, moisturising barrier protects and heals.

Naked Horse Collagen & Kelp Equine Body Fondant

£27.50 for 150ml

Antibacterial and hydrating, with a moisturising formulation that helps soothe dry skin.

Absorbine Silver Honey Ointment

£27.83 for 2oz

Contains manuka honey and microsilver to help soften encrusted skin and provide a barrier against bacteria.

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