Top tip
If you’re worried about your horse’s skin or think he’s coming down with a condition or infection, make sure you speak to your vet for their advice.

Build a barrier
What’s the only thing better than cure? Prevention. Reduce the chance of a problem by removing the risk
Barrier Natural Heel to Hoof soothing cream
From £9.32 for 250ml
A nourishing lotion designed to soothe sore areas and soften scabs naturally. It waterproofs and protects the area without sealing the skin.

Cavalor Muddoc
£30 for 200ml
Fast-acting natural formula containing aloe vera, lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree oils. Works to support healing, soothe and disinfect affected areas on your horse.

Foran Equine MRS
£12.95 for 500g
Barrier ointment with added tea tree oil, to aid skin restoration. It helps to form a protective layer and keep bacteria away from damaged skin.

Lincoln Muddy Buddy powder
£11.50 for 350g
A non-stick, water repellent antibacterial powder that shields your horse’s skin from chafing and cracking. It can be applied under turnout or brushing boots, too.lincolnhorsecare.com

NAF Mud Off spray
£14.99 for 750ml
Long-lasting spray that stops mud from sticking to your horse’s coat, while providing a protective barrier that allows his skin to breath naturally and reduce grooming time.

Nettex Muddy Marvel barrier cream
£17.04 for 600ml
A breathable, waterproof barrier providing antibacterial protection. The advanced formula moisturises the skin to reduce drying and cracking.

Red Horse Honeyheel
£11 for 190ml
A rich, soothing barrier cream for minor skin irritations. Formulated with raw honey and zinc oxide to promote natural formation of healthy tissue.

The Little Feed Company Skin Saver Winter Balm
£12.50 for 200g
A rich, natural formula with hemp seed and neem oils to nourish and soothe dry, sore skin. Helps to support healing of dry scabby areas, too.

Medicated shampoos
Check out our pick of washes, designed to soothe problem skin and support your horse from the outside
Aqueos Anti-Bacterial shampoo
£9.99 for 1l
A versatile shampoo that combats itchiness and soothes skin irritations with a competition-safe disinfectant that’s gentle on your horse’s skin.

Carr & Day & Martin Gallop Medicated shampoo
£9.20 for 500ml
A deep-cleaning shampoo with a pH neutral formula containing antibacterial agents and natural oils to help soften and lift scabs. It soothes and calms sore skin.

Equine America Fungatrol no-rinse body wash
£13.99 for 500ml
A non-irritant no-rinse body wash. Containing antibacterial agents to help your horse if he has dry and flaky skin. Dilute with water.

Robinson Animal Healthcare Activ scrub
From £10 for 500ml
A mild and gentle antibacterial scrub and cleansing wash. Ideal for lifting scabs, dirt and contamination from your horse’s skin and coat.

Enhanced protection
Support your horse’s skin with something extra this winter
Top tip
Make sure you carry out a 24-hour patch test with any new product to check for potential reactions.
Aniwell AMHVet
From £12.15 for 50g
This non-toxic waterproof cream is great for reaching difficult to manage areas. Designed to soothe inflamed skin and can be used long term.

Hilton Herbs Mud Defender lotion
From £15.20 for 250ml
A gentle, soothing lotion with herbs and essential oils including echinacea, aloe vera and coconut oil to soften scabs and support skin and hair growth.

Leovet Silver Salve
£10.95 for 150ml
Combining plant oils and pure silver to help support your horse’s natural, healthy skin growth. Adds moisture to dry cracked skin.

Shapley’s Original MTG
£29.84 for 32oz
A soothing formula that calms irritated skin and also conditions the hair. Applied weekly it creates a hygienic environment and improves hair growth.

Thomas Pettifer Green Oils
£9.99 for 400g
This waterproof gel combines powerful antiseptic agent chloroxylenol with natural oils to cleanse and soothe minor skin complaints.