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The British Equestrians for Ukraine initiative raised over £100,000 and nine lorry loads of supplies have been shipped to Poland to aid victims of the Russian invasion
BETA has created supply chains and logistic routes to enable vital supplies of food, bedding and veterinary equipment to reach drop off points in Poland to help Ukranian horses and owners in need. The Ukrainian Federation has also outlined requirements for efficient deliveries of aid to ensure that the impact of the support is maximised.
“We’ve been deeply moved by the distress faced by the Ukrainian equestrian community and are extremely grateful for the support offered by the equestrian community,” said Claire Williams from BETA. “So many have pledged support, but I must thank Country Haylage who’ve raised over £25,000 and been instrumental in co-ordinating the nine-lorry’s worth of product generously donated from manufacturers across the country. Other members of the trade have made significant cash donations to the British Equestrians for Ukraine Fund and many retailers are running fundraising initiatives to further boost donations.”
The current focus is on evacuating any horses needing rescue out of the country or moving them to safer areas. British Equestrians for Ukraine is liaising with Ukrainian contacts, including the Ukrainian Horse Union, who have the best knowledge of stables in the country and are helping to establish a base for equines. Lobbying is also being carried out in an attempt to reduce red tape for people seeking to evacuate their horses across the Polish border.
Jim Eyre, British Equestrian Chief Executive said: “It’s been a tremendous response so far, but we must keep up the momentum. The humanitarian crisis is escalating as the fighting and unwarranted bombing continues and the conditions for equines and their owners will continue to deteriorate. The generosity shown in such a short time by so many is a testament to Britain’s amazing equestrian community. We’re already hearing how the funds and products are making an impact and there’s further support planned to have more impact on the ground and getting the horses to safety.”
If you’d like to support, there’s a dedicated page set up on the World Horse Welfare website for donations.