Home News Charity launches survey to find out about first horse experiences

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Charity launches survey to find out about first horse experiences

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What was your first horse or pony like? That’s what a survey issued by equine charity, Redwings Horse Sanctuary aims to find out, as it begins to unveil some interesting findings

In October, Redwings Horse Sanctuary launched a survey asking for horse owners to reflect on their earliest experiences with equines. More specifically, why and when did you get your first horse? That’s what the charity intends to find out, as it delves into participants memories to uncover the journey they took to get from weekly lessons at a local riding school and nabbing rides on friends’ ponies where possible, to shouldering the responsibility of owning one themselves.

Entitled ‘My First Horse survey’, the charity has been delighted with the number of people who’ve taken part – an incredible 3,800 submissions. Redwings will analyse the data and share the main takeaways with the equine community come spring. However, to whet your appetite, some early stats are as follows…

  • almost two thirds of respondents didn’t come from a horsey family
  • more than half took on their first horse or pony before they were 16 years old
  • nearly 80% of respondents had learnt to ride at a riding school
  • over 40% rated their relationship with their first horse as 10 out of 10
  • people were more than twice as likely to have parted with their first horse due to a behavioural issue than a physical issue

There’s so much this data can teach us, that Redwings will be bringing you updates throughout 2022 as they dig deeper into what everyone’s experiences can tell us. Andie McPherson, Redwings’ Campaigns Manager, said: “We have a lot to learn about the thought processes and preparations involved when someone takes on their first horse. We know that horses can have a hugely positive impact in people’s lives but there’s a concern that not getting the right horse for you, or not having support as a new owner, could increase risks to the wellbeing of both horse and human. We’re keen to find out more so we can help support people at this exciting, but sometimes daunting, stage of their equestrian journey.”

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