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Equine welfare charity celebrates a record-breaking year

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World Horse Welfare has surpassed its previous record for rehoming rescue horses in 2021  

World Horse Welfare rejoices following a record-breaking year for rehoming horses and ponies. With a total of 378 horses having been rehomed throughout 2021, the charity has smashed its previous record of 357 in 2020, continuing the upward trend of more people offering horses and ponies a new home. Rehabilitation and rehoming is the charity’s ultimate goal for all the equines that come into one of its four rescue and rehoming centres across Britain, so surpassing this target is an tremendous victory.

Tony Tyler, Deputy Chief Executive at World Horse Welfare said: “It’s our aim to rehome all the horses and ponies that come into our care once they’re fit and ready. Each one that’s rehomed helps another because it releases a space at our farms for another equine in need. But none of this could happen without our incredible rehomers who offer them a vital second chance.

World Horse Welfare retains ownership of every horse or pony that comes into its care for the rest of their lives, meaning there is no danger of them once again becoming welfare cases. Importantly, it also means that rehomers have the reassurance that if their circumstances change, the rehomed horse can always be returned to World Horse Welfare. Tony adds: “Anyone rehoming one of our horses or ponies not only receives the full honest facts about them and a lifetime of support, but the rewards of knowing that they are giving that horse perhaps its first ever loving home – while making space for another vulnerable horse to receive the care it needs.”

World Horse Welfare’s four Rescue and Rehoming Centres are Belwade Farm in Aberdeenshire, Glenda Spooner Farm in Somerset, Hall Farm in Norfolk and Penny Farm in Lancashire, and equines are taken in and rehomed across the country. To find out more about the rehoming process, visit: worldhorsewelfare.org

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