Home News Five ways Haygain can help beat rising horse keeping costs

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Struggling with rising costs? By following the Haygain way, you can save on costs while supporting your horse’s health

There’s no escaping the fact that prices are rising and we’re all looking for ways to streamline our spending across the board. When it comes to horses, however, it’s tough to justify making spending cuts in case it impinges on their wellbeing. So, how could Haygain help you support your horse’s health while still saving on costs?

  1. More nutrients

Nutrient preservation is one of many reasons owners are choosing to steam their hay with Haygain rather than soaking it when they’re trying to reduce dust and other respirable particles. Research shows that the only nutrient decreased in a standard steam cycle is water soluble carbohydrates, and only by an average of 2.3%. Conversely, soaking hay reduces nutrients more dramatically. Feeding soaked hay often means you’ll have to replace those lost nutrients, bumping up your feed bill.

  1. Less waste

Studies show that horses prefer steamed hay over dry or soaked forage. This means less waste. Haygain’s Forager slow feeder keeps hay off the stable floor, which means it isn’t ruined by being trampled into bedding, manure and urine.


  1. Less bedding

ComfortStall sealed orthopaedic flooring has built-in cushion for the horse’s comfort and joint support. That means that you’ll only need to use enough bedding to absorb urine. Bringing less bedding into the stable means less soiled bedding to remove and take away. Owners report quickly recouping their ComfortStall investment in bedding and time savings.

  1. Less water

Steaming uses far less water than soaking. A steaming cycle requires four litres of water, compared to approximately 60 to 100 litres to soak the same quantity of hay. Most of the water used in soaking hay is wasted and, worse, at a considerable cost to the environment because it’s loaded with pollutants.

  1. Fewer vet visits

Prevention always beats a cure and Haygain is all about that. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why…

  • hay is one of the biggest causes of irritants in the horse’s environment. Reducing them by up to 99% with a Haygain steamer is an effective step in prevention and management of conditions on the equine asthma spectrum
  • the Forager slow feeder enables horses to eat as nature intended – slowly, in small bites and over several hours. That results in constant chewing, which produces a constant steam of saliva. The saliva helps protect the lining of the stomach from ever-present gastric acid to reduce ulcer risk
  • Haygain steamed hay has up to triple the moisture content of dry hay. The added water in the diet helps keep forage moving through the digestive tract, reducing the risk of colic. More moisture in the diet means more hydration, too
  • ComfortStall sealed orthopaedic flooring provides comfort and support for deep rest and sleep. While research on sleep and rest for horses is light, it makes sense that it would impact equine immunity and overall well-being as much as it does for people

Savvy owners and yard managers recognise the return on investments in their horses’ health. Haygain high temperature hay steamers, the Forager slow feeder and ComfortStall sealed orthopaedic flooring are embraced worldwide as among the best investments a horse owner can make. Dividends include healthier horses and better bank balances.

Learn more at Haygain.co.uk

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