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Council takes action after North Staffordshire Bridleways Association highlights poor condition
Overgrown or impassable footpaths and bridleways are a problem in many parts of the country but one in Staffordshire has recently been restored to its former glory.
The Public Bridleway No. 1 Madeley, an off-road route that runs for 2.6km in North Staffordshire between Aston and Madeley, had become impassable for around 40m due to deep mud and overgrown vegetation, so much so that the North Staffordshire Bridleways Association (NSBA) raised the situation as a key issue with Staffordshire County Council’s Rights of Way team.
As a result, the bridleway was cleared and resurfaced with sand, and it can now be safely enjoyed by horse riders, cyclists and walkers all year round.
Mark Deaville, Staffordshire County Council’s cabinet member for strategic highways, said: “Thanks to the efforts of our rights of way team, the Madeley Bridleway No. 1 has been completely transformed. It’s a beautiful route nestled in the Staffordshire countryside that I hope people will continue to enjoy for years to come.
“It is really important to the county council that our public rights of way are protected and remain accessible to all so our communities can safely enjoy Staffordshire’s natural environment.”
Valerie Whalley, secretary of NSBA, said: “The path is in a beautiful rural location but, previously, there were drainage issues where pedestrians and horses would sink knee deep in mud and this meant that the path was unusable in the winter months. The drainage and hardcoring that SCC has undertaken is most welcome and means the 1km path should remain useable to local riders and residents throughout the year.
“We plan to use it on our NSBA Christmas ride which will set out from a local pub car park and finish with Christmas lunch in the pub!”