Home News Land’s End is in sight for vet trekking 1,300 miles across the country for charity

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Land’s End is in sight for vet trekking 1,300 miles across the country for charity

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Kate Land's End to John O'Groats

After three months, 1,300 miles and several sets of shoes for her horse, Kate McMorris and her homebred mare Marilyn look set to cross the finishing line on Sunday 31 July

If all goes to plan, this Sunday vet Kate and her homebred mare Marilyn will arrive at Land’s End at the end of an incredible challenge. They will end their three-month journey, having smashed their target of £5,000, with latest estimates showing they’ve raised more than £12,000 for charities Vet Life and Pets As Therapy.

Kate set off in April, but it hasn’t been plain sailing: “The hardest part was watching my horse coping with the inconsistency in the first couple of weeks,” said Kate. “Horses like routine and their herd existence, but each day was different and we were on our own. Thankfully Marilyn adapted well with time. We’ve had some scary moments as the traffic across Britain is concerning, the speeds fast and the roads much busier than I expected. In the early days, with endless wind and rain and difficult terrain, it would have been easy to give up.

Making her way across Shropshire Bottom

Making her way across Shropshire Bottom

“Through the highs and the lows, I’m hugely thankful for the opportunity to gain an even closer connection to Marilyn. I really feel this adventure has brought her with me mentally and physically. She’ll follow me without a lead rope, falling into step behind me, and we instinctively understand one another. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the stunning landscapes, mountains and hills, valleys and rivers, dramatic skies and, perhaps above all else, the kindness of strangers.”

Marilyn against some of the amazing scenery at Loch Tay

Marilyn against some of the amazing scenery at Loch Tay

Helping hands

Talking of strangers’ kindness, Kate commented: “The world really is full of kind people, who will genuinely put themselves out to help you. Some delivered feed and water for Marilyn and cake and a G&T for me, and many offered Marilyn a field and me a bed for the night. We couldn’t have asked for more.”

Monies raised (donation via JustGiving) will be used to help two charities close to Kate’s heart – Pets As Therapy, a national charity that strives to ensure that everyone has access to the companionship of an animal to improve their health and well-being, and Vetlife, a charity that provides a helpline and financial and health support to the veterinary profession which has one of the highest suicide rates. “Vetlife gave me and my staff amazing support through a difficult time at the practice a few years ago and I wanted to raise funds for them so they can continue to help others,” added Kate. 

Mixed emotions

Kate is well aware that arriving in Land’s End may be bittersweet, stating: “Of course, I’ll be excited and, I’m sure, heartily relieved that I’ve managed all 1,300 miles without serious incident. It will also be great to see my husband, Steve, and my friends, but I’d be lying if I didn’t believe I might feel a little deflated.

“It’ll be strange fitting in with everyday life again and going back to work, but I know how fortunate I’ve been to do this. Marilyn will love being back with her field companions but she’s incredibly fit now, so I’ll need to continue low level work with her, to settle her back gently into our old riding routine.”

Marilyn having a doze during a pub break with friend Rambler

Marilyn having a doze during a pub break with friend Rambler

What’s next?

When asked what her next adventure might entail, Kate replied: “I need time to think seriously how I might help others, not just with the donations but also from my learnings along the way. Some have suggested a book, talks, or podcasts but I’m not sure yet. Maybe a new adventure, coast-to-coast, or to spend more time in beautiful Scotland. Whatever, I do, I feel touched to have had the support of so many supporters. Their kind words, rallying cries and love has made my quest with Marilyn both possible and enjoyable. Thank you to everyone who connected with me in person or digitally. It’s meant so much and it’ll be something I’ll never forget.”

Wild camping in the highlands

Wild camping in the Highlands


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