Home News Park Lane Stables takes a huge step towards finally securing its London base

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Park Lane Stables takes a huge step towards finally securing its London base

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After a turbulent year facing threat of permanent closure, Teddington’s Park Lane Stables has almost secured its home for good

The story of Park Lane Stables has taken social media by storm over the last year, as the equestrian community followed the charity’s campaign to raise enough money to buy its base in Teddington, London, after the landlord decided to sell up (link: https://www.horseandrideruk.com/news/children-ponies-books-rda-and-pony-club/

Despite raising over £1m earlier this year (link: https://www.horseandrideruk.com/news/park-lane-stables-smashes-1million-fundraising-target-and-thanks-donors/), the Greater London riding school’s efforts were unable to secure a future of certainty, as the charity was outbid by a vendor with deeper pockets. This meant a temporary relocation while the organisation sought out a solution. However, good news has finally arrived, which brings new hope that Park Lane Stables may yet return “home to Teddington”.

A statement issued by the charity said: “We’ve agreed a price for the Park Lane Stables site, and the funds are with our solicitor to proceed to exchange. This has proved a far more complex process than we could have anticipated and, while we hoped for a swift conclusion having agreed a price, several technical issues beyond our control need to be resolved before we can exchange. However, we’re being reassured that the finish line is in sight and hope soon to be in a position to confirm that we’ve completed and will be returning home to Teddington.”

RDA chief executive Ed Bracher said that Park Lane Stables’ trustees and centre manager Natalie O’Rourke have the “full support” of RDA UK as they continue to strive for the best outcome possible for their community of urban riders that rely on the charity so greatly.

Neil Rodford, chair of Park Lane Stables trustees, said he wishes to “place on record our thanks for everyone’s continued support. As trustees, this is a cause close to all our hearts, and we remain committed to Natalie’s original goal to buy the Park Lane property and provide a secure future for all who depend on the services we provide.”

For more information, visit parklanestables.co.uk

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