Home News Five reasons we’re secretly happy not to be competing yet

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Five reasons we’re secretly happy not to be competing yet

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Rebecca Howard

Think you miss heading out to a show? Think again – staying at home really isn’t all bad

With training and competing ever closer to being back on the agenda thanks to the relaxation of lockdown restrictions, many of us are gearing up to get back out to shows. But if you’re feeling hesitant, you’re not alone. Getting your horse competition-ready is a more than a day’s work, so could staying at home be a blessing in disguise? Take a look at why we’re secretly cheerful about the delayed resumption of equestrian competition…

  1. No late-night tack cleaning

We never mean to leave it until the night before, but it always seems to happen. Bid adieu to your good intentions – that early night is as good as dead in the water with a full set of sweat-encrusted tack to battle in the wee small hours.

  1. All stain, all gain

Ever had the last-minute horror when the part of your horse that’s meant to be white absolutely isn’t on the morning of your competition? Without any show dates in your diary, you can embrace the stain! When was the last time you bathed your horse leisurely because you wanted to, not because you had to?

  1. We’re a little rusty…

Lessons have been on hold for a huge proportion of us and cross-country schooling has been totally off limits, so you’ll perhaps forgive us for feeling somewhat… under-prepared. Whether it’s from a technical or fitness perspective, we think a few more weeks getting competition ready won’t go amiss.

  1. Lorry problems

When was the last time you started the lorry, or your trailer left the yard? Honestly, we’re a little bit nervous about checking our equine transport over for fear of what we might find. Happy to put that off for a little while longer, thanks!

  1. Oh the bureaucracy!

Doesn’t every competition take the best part of a week’s worth of horsey admin – nagmin, if you will? From getting yourself entered to washing your kit, making lists, packing the lorry and getting your horse pristine, we’re just not prepared to put in hours of effort for, let’s be honest, a four-minute test. Nope, we’re more than happy to enjoy a few more weeks of hacking and catching up with our instructors, thank you very much!

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