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Gargantuan feed bills, a need for speed and a penchant for box rest? Ask any owner and they’ll tell you there’s so much more to Thoroughbreds than a silly stereotype
Is there a greater feeling than storming around a cross-country course on the back of your Thoroughbred? It’s a close second to snuggling up next to him during his mid-morning snooze.
It’s just a shame that not everyone sees the brilliance of this brave, loyal breed. If you had a pound for every time you were asked one of these questions… Well, you’d probably have a couple more Thoroughbreds in your herd.
“Did you ride him around the Grand National?”
More likely to come from a well-meaning but non-horsey friend, you inhale deeply before starting a 20-minute monologue about the differences between you and a jockey, the differences between horse riding and horse racing, and the differences between your never-been-near-a-racetrack Thoroughbred and Tiger Roll.
“How much does she cost you in hard feed?”
Ok, so your feed bill has a few more zeros than that for the average good-doer, but one of your favourite parts of the day is mixing feeds and watching your horse tuck into her dinner. Plus, your irritation at this question quickly turns to barely concealed smugness when spring rolls around and you don’t have to spend your time strip-grazing fields and working out weight loss regimes…
“Don’t you worry about him bolting when you’re in open fields?”
When you hear this, you can’t help but wish he would tank off with you just so you don’t have to answer it again. He’s no more likely to bolt than the warmblood in the stable next door. And you can’t help but wonder whether this question comes from a place of jealousy… You haven’t lived until you’ve felt a Thoroughbred kick into sixth gear while galloping around the stubble fields.
“Are you sure she’ll be a good escort?”
When a new livery arrives and wants a tour of the local hacking, or someone wants a buddy for their youngster’s first time off the yard, you’re always first to volunteer. People might question your offer, but your Thoroughbred’s seen everything – and has yet to meet a lorry she’s worried by. After an hour out hacking, you’ve usually made a new friend – and added a new member to the Thoroughbred fan club.
“Has she injured herself again?”
You bite back a response about the other breeds on your yard that are also on box-rest, and wonder whether this nosey livery has an ounce of empathy. And anyway, even when your mare is on box-rest – with her gorgeous face and I-love-my-person attitude – who cares? (See also: “Don’t you think your employer should pay your salary directly to your vet practice?”)
“Are you sure she’s sane enough to be a competition horse?”
With her athletic frame and a work ethic that rivals Lisa Simpson, you question why anyone competes a horse that isn’t a Thoroughbred. Yes, she can be sharp at times – but you know that once her energy’s focused in the right direction, you have the best partner to tackle the event with.
“Do you really need another rug?”
Hmm. This may have less to do with your Thoroughbred (who’s toasty enough in his mediumweight, even in the depths of a snowy winter), and more to do with your incurable addiction to rug shopping…
But it’s all worth it. Because for every higher-than-average feed bill, every time you wished you’d bought shares in vetwrap manufacturers, every time you see ‘no TBs’ written on a wanted ad… You know you have an equine partner like no other. A partner with the heart of a lion, who – once he’s decided you’re his person – will do anything for you.