Home News The Racehorse Sanctuary suffers brutal blow after theft in the night

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The Racehorse Sanctuary suffers brutal blow after theft in the night

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Equestrian charity, The Racehorse Sanctuary, has lost thousands after vital equipment was stolen

The Racehorse Sanctuary woke up to a devastating blow after having nearly £6,000 worth of equipment stolen from its base in Pulborough, West Sussex. Thieves accessed the yard and stole a Mule ATV, car batteries used to power electric fencing and other vital yard and groundskeeping equipment. All stolen items are imperative for staff to carry out their day-to-day work caring for the resident horses.

After an extremely tough 18 months, the theft couldn’t have come at a worse time. The complicated couple of years have put a limit on regular fundraising opportunities for all charities, but has hit The Racehorse Sanctuary particularly hard because, during this time, demand for the rehabilitation and ongoing care of racehorses has risen. Trustee Catherine McIlwraith explains: “Our staff work hard to care for as many horses as possible in their working day so that the charity can offer help to all ex-racehorses when they leave training. Our ATV was invaluable for caring for horses kept out at grass, enabling the staff to take water, feed and veterinary supplies to the fields. Without it they’re instead walking back and forth, taking up valuable time that should be spent caring for more horses. The £6,000 cost to replace the equipment puts a dent in our finances, which will be hard to fill at this time.”

The sanctuary’s helped hundreds of racehorses find a new home, where they receive the security they deserve after life in the sport. The knowledgeable and well-regarded team has been trusted with the care of some true legends of the track, including renowned chaser Pete the Feat who retired to the yard earlier this year. The ethos of ensuring every horse has a chance at a new life also means that the charity cares for some long-term residents who can’t be rehomed for physical or behavioural reasons.

If you’d like to help the charity recover from the theft and ensure they can carry on their essential work, any donation would be much appreciated.

Visit https://www.justgiving.com/racehorsesanctuary/donate

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