Horse&Rider Magazine – January 2025

The January issue of Horse&Rider is here! Get organised for the year ahead with our 2025 wall planner that comes free with this issue – it’s perfect for your tack room, yard or lorry!



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Are you enjoying a winter packed with wonderful riding adventures? If so, hats off to you. If not, well, you’re not alone. For one reason or another, as this issue went to print most of the team are ‘enjoying’ the non-ridden side of horse ownership. And, actually, there is more to do than you might realise. This issue we’re celebrating some of the things you can do without riding. From long-reining to broaden your – and their – horizons to practical exercises to improve balance and mobility, as well as how to take up journalling. Now, Editor Louise has a confession to make… “I have started – and failed – at journalling more times than I care to remember. But with Alison’s practical and (perhaps most importantly for me) quick tips, I’m committing to it. If you try it, let me know how you get on!”

Whether you’re looking to step up a level in the dressage arena or the showjumping ring, we’ve got the tips and advice you need to achieve your goals. Plus, Ingrid Klimke’s cavaletti course plans will help you create the ultimate cross-country horse at home this winter – with her simple, effective exercises you’ll polish your aids to improve communication and rideability.

Editorial Assistant Kirsty certainly isn’t the only one who finds Christmas shopping a little overwhelming and is guilty of leaving it to the last minute. Christmas comes early to the Horse&Rider office, and Kirsty was tasked with putting together our gift guide. Let’s just say it’s done the job to get her into the Christmas spirit! “I had so much fun picking out my favourites to share with you, from practical yard wear to fun, thoughtful gifts. Splitting ideas by budget really opened my eyes to the variety of fab horsey gifts available, no matter how much you want to spend. If you need inspiration, pick up a copy of January Horse&Rider today – hopefully we can all get our Christmas shopping done on time this year!”

Get organised for the year ahead with our 2025 wall planner that comes free with this issue – it’s perfect for your tack room, yard or lorry!


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