The Magazine March 2025

Stay on course

Posted 16th January 2025

Vet Sara Vaux discusses typical injuries to look out for when going cross-country


From an injury point of view, cross-country presents unique risks to the horse due to its high-impact nature and the large, solid fixed fences jumped. However, by understanding the most common issues, you can work to mitigate them, or spot and address them promptly.

The most common injuries in cross-country are through the horse hitting a fence or falling. The limbs have a high risk of injury, particularly the knee and stifle, and overreach injuries can occur. The head, neck and trunk can be injured, too, with injuries such as bruises, abrasions and skin wounds commonly seen.

Top tip

When checking your horse, remember swellings and lameness may become more apparent once he’s cooled down and has had time to potentially stiffen up.

Common issues

The issues that can arise during, or following, a cross-country round include…

  • muscle conditions such as exertional rhabdomyolysis (tying up) and muscle strains
  • general muscle soreness through the neck and back
  • sacroiliac pain
  • foot soreness, in particular bruising in horses with flat, thin soles, especially when the ground is firm
  • soft-tissue injuries and joint problems (although these tend to be diagnosed in the training phase)

Vital checks

It’s important to always examine your horse immediately after you’ve been cross-country – whether training or competing – to check for any injuries.

Superficial abrasions and bruising may not need veterinary intervention, but full-thickness skin wounds, those close to a joint or tendon sheath, or those associated with lameness should always be assessed by a vet, even if the wound looks quite minor.

Top tip

Foot imbalance can lead to lameness so it’s important for horses to have good, regular farriery to keep feet well balanced.

Learn more about common cross-country injuries in March Horse&Rider – out now!

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