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Paxton hay soaker

We say…
This is the best thing I have ever used for soaking hay. It takes one very large haynet or two smaller nets at the same time. There’s a lid to stop flies in the summer or frost in the winter and the plug’s on a chain, so I found it easy to remove. The soaker drained very quickly and then the haynets were dry enough to lift to the stable without water dripping down my arm. I liked the height because I wasn’t lifting wet haynets from the ground, which was kinder on my back. It was easy to clean and looked smart, too.

I’ve used this twice a day for the past five months and have been really impressed with it. The only issue has been the chain becoming detached from the tub but I tied a long piece of rope onto the plug instead. This sits over the side and a quick pull on it makes draining really simple. It has made life so much easier as I pull the plug when I arrive at the yard and by the time I’ve skipped out, the hay is ready to take into the stable – and with no drips en route.

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