Home News Horse owner confessions we all have in common

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Horse owner confessions we all have in common

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  1. Not cleaning our tack every time we ride. We all know we should, but none of us do. And by the time we finally pull out the tack cleaner from the bottom of our dusty drawers, the girth is caked in dried sweat and dirt. We scrub it off until it’s spotless and we say to ourselves we’re not going to let it get that bad again… until it gets that bad again.
  2. Only brushing your horse’s tail when it starts forming unwanted dreadlocks. By then, it’s wild and resembles a bird’s nest. After a substantial amount of time forcing the brush through this knotty mess, it’s smooth again and running your fingers it is one of the most satisfying feelings.
  3. Daydreaming about being with your horse, which completely distracts you from what you should be doing. We’re all guilty of becoming absent-minded by the thought of a nice long canter on a warm day, or maybe it’s excitement for the weekend’s competition. Either way, it’s difficult to work when you’re thinking about your horse 24/7.
  4. Not cleaning your boots after being at the stables, and getting straight into your car (or worse, someone elses.) We said to ourselves that we’re going to keep this car clean by changing our filthy boots for clean shoes every time we leave the yard, but after a while, the frozen toes from boot changing becomes unbearable and you sacrifice another car.
  5. Neglecting poo-picking duties. After a long day of sorting out the horse(s) or doing yard duties that tend to get priority, such as filling haynets and cleaning stables, poo picking is the last thing that you want to do. Sharing the task always helps, but none of us do it enough.

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