Home Gear Guide Saddles Tried & Tested
Gear Guide Tried & Tested


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Childéric DSC dressage saddle

A new generation seat with a slim-line centre that allows for a deeper seat and better connection with your horse.
Colours: Black, master or Irish, in calf, buffalo or suede
Sizes: 16–18.5in

“I was slightly apprehensive about testing this saddle. It costs as much as my horse did and I found it hard to imagine that anything could be worth that investment. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong. From the pre-fitting discussion to ensure the team brought the right saddles for me and my horse to try, to the fitting itself, where my comfort was taken into as much consideration as fit for my horse, to the follow-up aftercare to make sure the saddle was still fitting correctly, I was delighted with the service. The saddle fits my horse better than anything I’ve tried on him before and is the comfiest I’ve ever sat in. It really has transformed his way of going and helped improve my position significantly. I feel excited about schooling because I enjoy riding in it so much and I’m seriously considering trying the jump version. It’s a significant investment in a piece of equipment, but worth it if you can afford it”

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