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Our picks to help you stay safe and comfortable in the saddle – no matter your discipline – we've tested some of the best technical stirrups on the market

Our testers: Horse&Rider has tested a variety of technical stirrups to make sure they’re up to the job.

The products

Jin Stirrup Air

Jin Stirrup Air

Anatomic tread pad and smart safety-release mechanism.

Impressed with their sleek, lightweight design. They’ve proved very versatile and improved lower leg stability. The tread isn’t as raised as on other stirrups but it still offered great grip when needed, although it marked the leathers when running up. The safety-release mechanism is firm enough to offer support but released when needed, the perfect balance for safety and practicality.

Ophena S stirrups

Ophena S

Magnetic safety system with insoles and a unique design.

The magnetic system kept feet in the stirrups without needing a studded tread, giving a secure foot and lower leg position – though there was definitely a skill to removing foot from the stirrup at the end of a ride. The double arm design was a great time-saving feature for swapping your stirrups between saddles. They were a bit heavier than other stirrups, but their sleek design looked super-smart and modern. 

Equipe STAF14

Equipe STAF14

Stylish and lightweight with a silicone arm safety-release.

These stirrups are lightweight and were so comfortable to ride in. The wide metal footbed offers a good grip even in wet conditions, and the unique tread meant sand didn’t interfere with its non-slip properties. The silicone arm was easy to manoeuvre when needed, and it can be customised with a variety of colours, no matter how bold. Lower leg felt noticeably more secure. 

Compositi Ellipse Soft stirrup

Compositi Ellipse Soft

Featuring a quick- release branch and shock-absorbing sole.

The small, steel studs on their wide tread offered great grip. They’re ideal for jumping as they kept your lower leg and heel secure. Although the outer branch looked different to traditional stirrups, it didn’t cause problems. Better suited to jumping as they’re bulky with brightly coloured detailing. They were comfortable and didn’t cause any aches after riding. 

Alfa Jump stirrups

Alfa Jump

Classic and lightweight with an ergonomic design.

Super lightweight and smart. They were really comfortable and the added spikes improved grip in all weathers. The angled sole plate allowed for a better heel and lower leg position. Looked quite streamlined, but didn’t offer as many safety features as others in a similar price bracket – though they performed well. Used for a variety of different disciplines. Would definitely recommend.

MDC Super Sport stirrups

MDC Super Sport

Low-profile with a high-traction tread and adjustable top.

Traditional looking yet lightweight, so great even for the show ring. The wide tread and angled footbed supported weight well. The adjustable top pivots and locks at three different angles to suit you, so kept joint pain to a minimum while encouraging correct position – plus made it easier made it easier to find the stirrup after losing it.

Flex-on Green Composite

Flex-on Green Composite

Environmentally sourced with shock- absorbing properties.

These stirrups were so comfortable even after being in the saddle for longer rides and hacks. Kept lower leg secure and the wide, spiked footbed offered a lot of extra grip, even in wet weather. Had a really smart overall look. Used for jumping, schooling and hacking and would recommend them for use in all disciplines.

Sprenger Bow Balance stirrups

Sprenger Bow Balance Stirrups

Wide tread and a four-directional pivot to reduce impaction. 

They have a smart design with a wide footbed that offered good grip and balance. Angled arch design and flexible sides allowed feet to stay in the correct position and their shock absorbency made them really comfortable to ride in, even during long periods of time and over fences. Easy to clean and durable.

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