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BHS issues guidance after recording a sharp increase in dog-related incidents involving horses
Incidents involving horses and dogs have risen by 111% in the past two years. Now, new guidance has been issued by the BHS to help dog walkers and the general public continue enjoying the outdoors alongside horses.
Since 2010, there have been 2,818 dog incidents reported via the BHS’s Horse i app, including 29 horse and three human fatalities, 708 horse injuries and 739 human injuries. The BHS has also seen a steep increase in dog incidents involving horses in fields.
Horses can be frightened by an enthusiastic dog and are unable to distinguish between a dog who is trying to play or is going to attack them. The situation can be especially serious if the dog is off the lead and has poor recall.
The BHS is supporting a collaborative approach by releasing educational advice for both dog and horse owners. BHS Safety Team Leader Des Payne said: “We are seeing a worrying increase in dog-related incidents [and] ask all dog owners to act responsibly around horses. If in doubt, make sure your dog is on a lead. We encourage horse riders to follow some simple steps, including wearing high-vis to enable other routes users to see them and also walking when passing dogs.
“We ask all horse riders and the wider public who have experienced or witnessed an incident to log it via the Horse i app. This allows us to better understand the rate of equine-related incidents and, ultimately, ensure horses remain safe, as well as those around them.”
To read the dog walker guidelines, visit bhs.org.uk/dogs