Home News Charity encourages owners to ‘be rug-wise this winter’ for the health of our horses

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Charity encourages owners to ‘be rug-wise this winter’ for the health of our horses

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With winter setting in and temperatures dropping nationwide, national pet charity, Blue Cross, is urging horse owners to reflect on their rugging practices

Don’t just rug up your horse because you’re feeling a little chilly yourself – that’s the message national pet charity, Blue Cross, is trying to get across to well-meaning horse owners. Even though he may look warm and cosy snuggled up in his stable or turnout rug, it turns out wrapping our horses up in the equine equivalent of a padded anorak isn’t always the kindest or healthiest course of action.

“As temperatures start to drop it’s tempting to reach for the extra rugs, but does your horse actually need one at all?” said Ruth Court, Horse Welfare Manager at Blue Cross. “There’s been a lot of research around rugging in recent years and there are many reasons why we may not need to rug our horses, the most obvious being weight gain.”


Blue Cross has put together nine points to consider before reaching for the heavyweight…

  1. Self-protection Horses are programmed to protect themselves in bad weather, turn their backs on wind and rain to protect their head, neck, eyes, ears and belly.
  2. Natural shelter They may choose natural shelter such as hedges and trees, and keep together to share body warmth. Or, they may have access to a field shelter.
  3. Natural insulation Horses with frost on their backs may look cold but they’re quite the opposite as very little body heat is escaping though the air, which is why the frost hasn’t melted.
  4. Compromised thermoregulation Horses have very efficient coats covered with tiny hairs. The hair erector muscles for each hair need ‘exercising’ in order to work efficiently, and overrugging may compromise this natural mechanism.
  5. Heat imbalance Overrugging means that the horse warms up under the rug but not in other exposed areas.
  6. Over-heating: If the horse becomes too hot under the rug, he doesn’t have a natural ability to cool down and may begin to sweat and become uncomfortable.
  7. Natural weight control Using rugs can affect how your horse would naturally control his weight. Horses are designed to use their fat reserves to keep warm, but overrugging and overfeeding increases the risk of problematic weight gain in spring.
  8. Forage A continual supply of quality forage throughout the day acts as your horse’s own central heating system. Grazing throughout the day will keep him as warm as he might be in a turnout rug, naturally.
  9. Individual needs Of course, there are some exceptions to the rugging rule: underweight, elderly or unwell horses may benefit from the warmth a rug provides. Clipped and stabled horses may also appreciate a rug.

“Horses have evolved to deal with the cold,” said Ruth. “As long as we meet their basic management needs by providing ad lib forage, water, equine companionship and access to shelter they should be comfortable and warm with the lightest of rain sheets or no rugs at all.

“Do remember to make any changes gradually though, to give them time to adapt their natural heating system and they must be checked at least once a day to be sure that they are happy in the field.”

For further support, advice or guidance about caring for your horse, visit bluecross.org.uk

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