Home News Could it be the end of long-distance journeys to slaughter in Europe?

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Could it be the end of long-distance journeys to slaughter in Europe?

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Journey time limit for horses being transported to slaughter welcomed by leading equine welfare charity

The European Commission is proposing to amend EU legislation to limit the maximum journey time for animals. This announcement, which has been welcomed by World Horse Welfare, marks a major step towards the charity’s mission to end long-distance transport to slaughter and legislation. It will significantly reduce the suffering of around 14,500 equines transported across Europe annually.

Having spent decades advocating for changes to be made to prevent the unnecessary suffering of horses on their final journey, the charity is encouraged that the journey time across the EU could be limited to nine hours.

Roly Owers, Chief Executive of World Horse Welfare said: “Alongside the recent news that the UK government is moving forward with legislation to ban the export of horses to slaughter from the UK, we are now equally delighted that the European Commission has proposed a nine-hour journey limit for horses sent to slaughter, putting an end to these completely unjustifiable long journeys.

“The line has not quite been crossed yet and how any new regulation is enforced will be critical to its success. We need the support of EU member states to end this trade in horses for good. Nevertheless, this announcement marks a huge step in the right direction.”

Every year, around 14,500 horses are packed into trucks and driven on needlessly long distances across Europe to slaughter. Some horses travel for days over thousands of miles with little chance to rest, eat or drink. These horses become exhausted, stressed, severely dehydrated and suffer unnecessarily.

Equines are among the most transported animals in the world, making journeys for sport, leisure, breeding, sale, fattening and slaughter, with some moving many times throughout their lives. Each journey poses a risk to their health and welfare, but the greatest risks arise when they are transported long distances to slaughter. This is due to a potential lack of care some animals receive when they are destined for abattoirs with less incentive for horses to be fit and well at the end of the journey.

For more information, head to worldhorsewelfare.org

Photo credit: rustycanuck

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