Home News Dengie Training Bursary Winners 2020

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Four more lucky Horse&Rider readers enjoyed expert nutritional advice and training on the flat as well as over fences with Dengie’s team of top-level ambassadors, thanks to the 2020 Dengie bursary. 

With help from nutritionist Claire Akers, dressage rider Hannah Esberger-Hancock, and eventer Lucy Jackson, the winners gave us the low-down on how the day helped set them up for a season of success. 

Young rider Liv Nolan and her nine-year-old mare, Cici, are hoping to move up to BE100 this season.

Strengths Cici locks onto fences, so jumping skinnies is a piece of cake. I’m a positive rider, and always try to think forward when I’m jumping. 

Weakness Cici can be quite inconsistent in the contact. I tend to collapse through my core, particularly over fences. 

Good for the gut Being a poor-doer, Cici struggles to maintain topline. Because of this, I feed her Alfa-A Oil, Alfa-Beet and Performance+ Balancer to provide extra calories and quality protein.  

Top training Hannah had us doing leg-yields on a circle to keep Cici in front of my leg and into my outside hand.

Amy Roberts and her eight-year-old, Lenny, are competing at BE Novice and aiming for three-star.

Strengths I’m a very positive but quiet rider. Lenny’s also really talented over a fence, which keeps us out of trouble!

Weakness Being a bit of a perfectionist can make the lows of the sport harder. Lenny can be spooky, although he’s improving with experience. 

Good for the gut Lenny’s been treated for ulcers so he’s fed Alfa-A Oil and Performance+ Balancer to help buffer his stomach and provide slow-release energy for stamina.  

Top training Hannah’s half-pass, shoulder-in and back to half-pass exercise helped develop Lenny’s suppleness.

Alana Sparrow rides six-year old gelding, Robin. They’re planning to make the step up to BE Novice.

Strength I’m very driven, so always looking for ways to improve. Robin’s an incredible cross-country horse. 

Weakness I find Robin’s naturally quite lazy, which makes the dressage a bit of an effort. I’m a perfectionist, so sometimes struggle when things don’t go how I’d like.  

Good for the gut Robin’s in great condition and has plenty of energy, he has Alfa-A Molasses Free, Performance+ Balancer and Alfa-Beet. 

Top training Hannah helped us with turn on the forehand to encourage Robin to be more supple and use his hindend more effectively. 

Sarah-Jane Brown owns 10-year-old pony, Ellie. They’re enjoying plenty of success at BE100 level. 

Strength I’m very determined and don’t make excuses for things not going right. Ellie has a great attitude – she’s naturally very confident.

Weakness I lack confidence in my own ability. Ellie could do with being two hands bigger, as she’d be a top class horse. 

Good for the gut Ellie’s gained 35kg since her last weigh-in, so she has Alfa-A Lite and Performance Vits & Mins to give her everything she needs without the calories. 

Top training I practised riding Ellie up a level, rather than treating her like a pony, to help make up for her shorter stride length compared to horses.

To follow the Dengie Ambassadors’ progress, check out their blogs on our website

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