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Only a few weeks left to qualify for Anyone Can Event competition with Harry Hall and British Eventing
Launched last October, the new British Eventing’s Anyone Can Event (ACE) Series sponsored by Harry Hall is now in its last weeks for qualification. It allows riders aged from 10 upwards to compete in the sport without British Eventing (BE) membership. In June 2023, the Harry Hall One Club ACE Championship will culminate in a four-day championship at the Aintree International Equestrian Centre. The championship with be split into Juniors (18 years and under) and Seniors.
The series offers a range of height classes from 70cm up to 1m in an arena-style eventing competition. Riders compete in their cross-country kit and take on a course of six to eight show jumps followed by eight to ten simulated cross-country fences that can be knocked down. The winner will be the competitor with the lowest number of penalties closest to the optimum time. Riders who qualify for the championships will need to be British Eventing members (minimum PAYG: £30 per rider) to compete.
Qualifiers have been running across the UK with only six more left, five in April and one at beginning of May. Competitors placed in the top six at each qualifier will receive a Harry Hall rosette, while qualifying combinations will also receive a shopping voucher to spend at harryhall.com.
The series aims to offer affordable and accessible sport for riders who take part in the qualifiers. CEO of Harry Hall Liz Hopper said: “We created the One Club where our members benefit from our mission to make horse ownership more affordable. We’ve been helping horse owners for over 130 years and we’re delighted to be encouraging today’s riders to go eventing with the Harry Hall One Club ACE Championships. We’re really looking forward to Aintree in June where we’ll be celebrating everyone’s achievements”.
To find out more and details on the remaining qualifying shows visit britisheventing.com/winter-series/ace