Home News Five ways to know you have a horsey best friend

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Five ways to know you have a horsey best friend

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Is there someone at your yard who always goes above and beyond to help you in your equine hour of need? If so, it sounds like you may be lucky enough to have a horsey best friend on your hands!

As much as we adore our horses, everyone needs a human support system from time to time, too. From talking you up while you go through (another) crisis of confidence, to falling about laughing when one of you tumbles flat on your face onto the muckheap, your horsey best friend is someone you don’t ever want to let go of. Does one of your horsey pals in particular spring to mind? We’ve got five sure-fire signs that you’ve found your yard BFF…

  1. They give the best pep talks

One of the main benefits of having a horsey best friend is that you basically get therapy sessions for free! They’ll spend hours listening to you complain repeatedly about how naughty your horse is being – whether that’s through the grills of the stable walls as you muck out side by side or chatting endlessly on the phone into the early hours of the morning. They’ll be the one who sits you down and talks some sense into you when you’re contemplating giving it all up and help confirm that your self-doubts are completely unfounded. No matter what, you can always count on your horsey best friend to be there to lend a sympathetic ear. They’ll stand in the arena for moral support when you’re feeling nervous and give you endless praise when you finally pluck up the courage to pop that 40cm cross-pole without hitting the deck. Whatever the situation, your best mate will be there to pick up the pieces in a totally non-judgey and encouraging way.

  1. They’ll give up their weekend to help you out

Need a groom for that one-day event? Got a vet trip you’re nervous about driving to? Well, you know who to call! Due to your shared love of all equestrian pursuits, you and your horsey best friend undoubtedly have an unspoken agreement that you’ll act as each other’s unpaid helpers whenever you need it. After giving up their weekend lie-in so they can be ready and waiting to set off at the crack of dawn, your horsey best friend will shift seamlessly from manning the sat-nav if you get lost to helping get your horse tacked up ready for the show while you run over to the secretary’s tent. The two of you work as the perfect team, and who knows? You may just be each other’s good luck charms. At least, that’s how you sell it to your partners when you announce you’re going to have to skip Sunday lunch – again!

  1. They’re the first ones to laugh when you embarrass yourself

Aside from being there to pick you up when you’re down, a true horsey best friend will never hesitate to roll around with laughter if ever you make a hilarious blunder – after snapping a quick photo and checking you’re okay, of course. Whether you slip over on a humongous horse poo, accidentally soak yourself with the hose, or unwittingly put on your horse’s rug on back to front, your best buddy will be there to add canned laughter to the scene. However, it goes both ways – you’re quick to repay the favour and post any fails your bestie has to social media and the yard WhatsApp group, too.

  1. They support your dreams, no matter what

You can count on your horsey best friend to back you in whatever you dream of achieving. If one day you decide you’re going to become the next Pippa Funnell, they’ll work with you to figure out the steps to take you there. Or perhaps you’re scared of cantering your horse for the first time on a hack? Not to worry, as your BFF will bike round with you until you’re confident that they can take an equine companion along for the ride instead. No matter what, you know that they’ll be there. Even if it’s just to offer a bit of advice when you need it.

  1. They’re always there to save your skin

Running late after work and need your horse brought in? Your horsey best friend’s the one to call. They’ll never leave you high and dry and will do whatever they can to help you out, night or day. If your horse comes in lame from the field, they’ll be the first to offer up their vast array of cotton wool and bandages to keep him happy until the vet arrives and if you’ve forgotten something on the way to a show, you can bet on the fact they’ll think of a cunning way to get you out of a tight spot.

Do these remind you of anyone you know? Tag your yard buddy to let them know they’re the best!

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