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Sweep away the winter blues and prepare for the summer months ahead by being organised NOW!
Spring is finally upon us and, boy, do our horses know it! Whether it’s going crazy in the fields or being extra spicy during work, they seem to know even before we do when spring has arrived. Crazy horses aside, we have 10 things you can be doing this spring to prepare for the coming months.
Prepare those paddocks
If you have separate grazing paddocks for winter and spring/summer, check them now before you start using them. Walk around the whole paddock ensuring all the fencing is safe and in one piece. If your paddock is close to areas where the public can pass by, check for litter that hurt your horse or he might try to eat. Then, take a look at the water trough. If you haven’t emptied it over winter, it’s probably become a sludgy green pond. Not to worry, though. Empty it and give it a good scrub before re-filling in readiness for when your horse is turned out. For more tips, check out our advice for how to prepare your paddocks for the coming season.
Saddle check
Over winter, our horses tend to change shape. Some have lost muscle because they’ve had less work while others might have struggled to maintain weight in the cold weather. On the other hand, they might have grown fatter through good food, warm rugs and reduced exercise. It’s always best to have a saddler check the fit of your saddle to avoid damaging your horse’s back or causing him discomfort when you put him back into full work.
Fitness plan
You don’t necessarily have to be competing to draw up a fitness plan for your horse. It might be that you simply want to go on longer hacks or enjoy some sunny beach rides and need his fitness to move up a notch. You could set out a plan to keep him on track so he’s ready for the extra work. If you do have a competition season coming up, write down your dates and then work around them to see when you need his fitness to be up to scratch.
Riding club
If you haven’t joined one already, then do so. Riding clubs have so much going on in the spring with something for everyone, whether you’re someone who wants to compete on a local team or are simply looking for the opportunity to train with good instructors in a group. Being in a club is also a great way to meet new like-minded people.
Diary dates
Start filling that diary. Check out equestrian venues or local riding clubs to see what’s on and get booking. You’ll have a goal to work towards by knowing when you need to have your dressage or jumping skills up to par. Don’t forget, there are also some amazing events coming up to watch, such as the Royal Windsor Horse Show and Badminton, and you’ll need to buy your tickets.
Spring clean
It may seem like a chore, but it has a high satisfaction rating. Start by cleaning your tack storage area by emptying it and giving it a good sweep. Before replacing everything, ensure tack, brushes, boots and rugs are all thoroughly cleaned and put away tidily. Anything you‘ve found hidden away that you no longer use can be sold or given away. Don’t forget to give the yard a proper clean, too.
Spring is a good time of year to have your horse’s teeth checked before starting or upping his work. It might be that the dentist tells you your horse’s teeth are fine, but it’s better to be safe than sorry to avoid causing harm to your horse or landing yourself with unnecessary vet bills.
Now is the time to carry out a worm count on your horse to check he’s clear of worms. If you have any worries, you should have a chat with your vet and check out our worming plan for more information.
If you have any vaccinations due, call your vet to book them. If you’re due to start competing, check the rules to see how up to date your vaccinations need to be so you can have them done in good time before going to your first competition.
Tidy up
You’ve given your tack storage and yard a spring clean, so why not one for your horse, too? Give him a bath and brush out that winter coat – he’ll look sparkling for at least a few minutes before he goes back into his field to have a good roll. Tidy up his mane and tail and trim them if they need it. He’ll then be ready to look his best for spring.