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With inflation running at a rate not seen in the UK for many years, a new survey is aiming to find out how it’s affecting horse owners and livery yards across the country
Cost of living crisis, rising energy prices, a harsh summer producing a questionable hay crop – no matter how much you try to avoid the news, there’s no avoiding the fact that horse ownership could be about to because a whole lot more expensive.
That’s why equestrian insurance company, SEIB, is running a survey to find out how rising costs are affecting owners who keep their horse on a livery yard. Respondents to the horse owners survey will be entered into a draw for a £100 voucher to spend in their local saddlery.
Click here to complete the real cost of owning a horse survey. This survey is aiming to help establish the true cost of owning a horse or pony by analysing expenses such as livery bills, feed and bedding and raise awareness of the sums involved.
In conjunction with this, SEIB has also put together a short online survey to find out how much prices are rising and the impact this is having on livery yard owners and their businesses. Each person who completes the survey will be entered into a free prize draw for an Amazon voucher worth £100.
Click here to complete SEIB’s real cost of running a livery yard. Responses will help to raise awareness of the truth behind increasing costs for livery yard owners. The constant increase in energy prices, water bills and materials for yard maintenance are significant hurdles for those running livery yard businesses. The results of the survey will aim to highlight what the increased financial burdens are for yards and to help ensure greater awareness of these ever-rising costs.
Owners and managers of riding school, retirement, DIY, full or competition livery yards are welcomed to take part in the survey which takes less than five minutes to fill out. As thanks for filling out the survey, one person completing it will win an Amazon voucher worth £100.