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The second-year cohort of Khadijah Mellah Scholarship students have successfully graduated from the Riding A Dream Academy
The eight students who attended Riding A Dream Academy’s 2022/23 course have successfully graduated and are looking forward to their next career steps. The students attended the academy’s flagship course funded by the Khadijah Mellah Scholarship.
One of this year’s graduates is already working in the equine industry, while another is currently undertaking work experience on a top jumping yard.
To date, 64% of scholarship students from both the 2021/22 and 2022/23 cohorts have gone on to work in the equine industry, complete the British Racing School’s Foundation Course or undertake work experience in the sport.
The Riding A Dream Academy was inspired by the incredible achievements of Khadijah Mellah, who became the first British Muslim woman to ride and win a British horse race. Funded by the Racing Foundation, young riders aged 13–18 can join the Khadijah Mellah Scholarship (which is a yearlong programme), the Riding A Dream residential week or the Riding A Dream regional taster day, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy and have a go at!
Furthermore, the Riding A Dream Academy is passionate about supporting young riders from diverse ethnic backgrounds and underrepresented groups and communities so they can be involved in British horse racing.
Even though the Khadijah Mellah Scholarship runs throughout the year, the students don’t need to attend every day. Instead, they spend a residential week at the school and then return once a month at the weekends to hone their skills riding racehorses and learning about the sport.
Khadijah Mellah said: “We’re really lucky to have such amazing young people and I am so proud of them. They’ve made such amazing progress over the past year. I really hope that they go on to do amazing things with horse and racehorses and I’m really excited to see what they do next.”
Uwitonze, one of the students from Urban Equestrian Academy in Leicester, said, “In the future I would like to be a jump jockey because of the buzz and to be more like my idol, Rachael Blackmore. My trainers at my original yard can see the big improvement I’ve made and I’m now supporting other youngers to get into the racing industry as well.”
For more information, visit ridingadreamacademy.com