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Horse from Horsley co-stars in short film currently at film festivals worldwide
A horse from East Horsley, Surrey, has landed a leading role in a short film called Traveller which is currently being shown at film festivals internationally. Tuco aka ‘Spotty’, a Leopard Spotted Appaloosa owned by Adrian and Josette Planer, was picked to play the role in the film written and directed by Caitlin Innes Edwards.
Caitlin, an actress and screenwriter, wrote, directed and acted in Traveller which was filmed in late 2021 in a private woods in Guildford, next to Puttenham Common. It’s about a woman travelling across terrain in the wake of an (unknown) global disaster in which society has collapsed. She finds hope and connection as she comes across an abandoned horse and finds herself a travelling companion.
She said, “That’s what I wanted to explore in this story – how a horse’s perspective of the world, especially in times of hopelessness, can teach us to keep going.”
Spotty was picked for the role from over 200 applicants when Caitlin put an advert on a Facebook group page. She needed the horse to be able to do certain things on cue, such as running away and being ridden with no bridle or saddle, so it was a big challenge finding a horse suitable for the role. Caitlin says she knew from the first meeting with Spotty that he’d be right for the role, as he had such a huge personality and real spirit to him. She spent two months prior to filming working with Spotty and his owners using natural horsemanship techniques to build up their relationship and to ensure he was prepared for filming.
Caitlin added, “You’ve only got three takes maximum with a horse, but Spotty delivered every time. He was an absolute professional by the end. I’d say he was a better actor than the actors!”
The film is currently being submitted to film festivals in the UK and worldwide and has already got into four festivals. You can watch it live at a film festival where it’s showing, or some festivals have online options also. Next year it will be available online to watch on Vimeo and YouTube.