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If you’re looking for some inspiration to shake things up a little, we have a few ideas for you to try
Ever wanted to try something new with your horse but have never pushed yourself to do it? Or perhaps it’s simply a case of not coming up with any new ideas. If that’s you, check out our list to see how many you’ve already ticked off or spot ones you haven’t tried yet and might like to!
Hacking somewhere new
Now this may sound quite easy but why not push the boat out and go somewhere quite far from you? Is there a dream destination where you’ve always wanted to hack, such as the New Forest or the Lake District? Well, now’s your chance!
Try a new discipline
Depending on what you and your horse feel comfortable doing, trying a new discipline can benefit you both. It helps to switch up your regular routine and will keep things interesting so neither of you gets bored.
Book a photoshoot with a professional photographer to capture some beautiful moments between you and your horse. You could even take it that step further and wear a special dress or suit to create some classic photos that you can treasure for ever.
Teach your horse a trick
Do some research online for top tips on how to start teaching your horse to do tricks and then put it to the test. How cool would it be to teach your horse to hold his leg up and shake your hand!
Free lungeing
If you have a lunge pen, then give this a go. It’s a great way to gain your horse’s trust and put your voice control to the test, too. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll be able to ask him to change rein using only your body language and a vocal command.
Loose jumping
This is a great way to see how your horse moves over a jump, as well as allowing him to figure out his striding for himself without your interference. If you’re a nervous jumper when it comes to height, you could use it to give your horse the chance to jump a little higher than usual!
Bareback riding
Switch up your flatwork sessions by taking off the saddle. There are great benefits to gain from bareback riding, such as improving your seat when on board, and it helps create better communication between you and your horse. Don’t forget to use a neck strap, though, to help with balance when you first start out!
Lateral movement
Make schooling more interesting by trying a new lateral move such as leg-yields or half-pass. Make sure you’ve warmed up your horse properly before tackling a lateral movement and ask your instructor for some tips on how to introduce your horse to something new.
Take your horse for a swim
Hire a water treadmill to help your horse gain muscle and give him something different to do. Swimming also decreases impact shock, increases range of movement in lower limbs and increases lumbar flexion.
Take your horse on a holiday
Horses benefit from going on holiday just as much as we do. It’s a change from their daily routine and allows them to see different sights to keep them interested in what they’re doing. Whether it’s a chilled-out week of hacking around the countryside in the area where you’re staying or a little boot camp to get his fitness up to par, your horse will love it!