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Find out our top 10 reasons why we’re excited about the clocks going forward
Birds singing, the smell of barbecues and being able to spend extra time at the yard in the daylight – what’s not to love? We can all breathe a sigh of relief when the clocks spring forward and we have those light evenings, not to mention warmer weather on the way. Even the horses find joy in it – spending time out in thew field naked (weather permitting) and having a good roll to blow away winter.
So, what are our favourite things about this time of year?
1. Riding in the evening and not having to use the floodlights
Riding in the school without floodlights is not only enjoyable, it’s also a huge money saver. Plus, it helps our motivation when we go outside and it’s no longer dark and miserable.
2. Hacking out in the evenings
Through winter, hacking mostly is pushed to either weekends or mornings. The problem is, at the weekends, everywhere is packed with other users and, in the mornings, it’s such a rush to do everything before the day begins. There’s nothing better than a hack in the evening when it’s quieter and there’s plenty of time.
3. Beach rides after work
It’s an awesome feeling when you finish a hard day at work knowing you can go for a good gallop along the beach. Not only does it help you to unwind but it’s also great exercise for your horse and a change of scenery for him.
4. Hacking to the pub for a cheeky beverage
What’s better than hacking to the pub for a drink with your friends? Finishing the week with a hack to the pub sounds like a great idea – and it’s good exercise for the horse, too, of course.
5. Not having to wear a headtorch around the yard
Wearing a headtorch is very practical when you need to use your hands but it’s also a burden, too. No one likes to walk around the yard looking like a Minion!
6. Warmer weather on the way – so fewer layers
Layering up so that you feel you can’t move is never fun. The lighter evenings are a sign of warmer weather to come and T-shirts will soon be dug out from the back of your wardrobe.
7. The horses being turned out around the clock
It’s safe to say the horses appreciate this one just as much as we do. They have more time outside, while we have no stables to muck out and no changing of muddy rugs.
8. Driving back from shows in the light
Parking the lorry or trailer is never an easy job and, in the dark, it’s even harder. Alongside this, you then have to unload the horse as well. Arriving home in the light is a true blessing.
9. Horsey overnight stays at shows
Whether you’re competing at a show or visiting Badminton with some friends, it’s always exciting to stay the night. After a horse-filled day, sitting out in the sun with a barbecue on the go and a G&T in hand is absolute bliss – unless you’re competing the next day.
10. No more heavy rugs
Flinging heavy rugs over horses is an Olympic sport in itself, so with warmer weather on the way, we feel very grateful that we only need a fly sheet – or even nothing at all.