The Magazine August 2023

Competition preparation from home

Posted 7th July 2023

Put in the groundwork and start to aim high with our six-step guide to being competition ready 


If you want to be competitive with your horse, you’ve got to put in the hours at home. Whether you define success as simply crossing the finish line positively, or getting on the podium, it requires plenty of planning and preparation – so let’s find out what the journey entails.

  1. Eyes on the prize

Setting out your goals is the first step you need to take if you want to up the ante and notice a difference in your results. Whatever your aims, whether that’s qualifying for a championship or getting over 70% in a dressage test, write them down and consider the steps you’ll need to take to get there. Ensuring your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART), will go a long way towards helping you reach them.


Speak to your coach about your goals – they’ll be able to offer you honest advice, as well as help you train towards them.

  1. Get the ball rolling

Organising your diary and creating a detailed training schedule will give you a solid structure to work from. Maybe there’s a specific venue you want to ride at, or your goals require you to be schooling at a higher level. Whatever the aim, by booking in lessons with your instructor and attending local training clinics or shows you’ll be taking a big, positive step towards your goals.


If your horse is anxious or spooky, get him out and about as much as you can and to lots of different venues to give him the chance to see plenty of different things and build his confidence.

Continue your journey to getting competition ready with more tips in August Horse&Rider – get your copy today!

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