The Magazine February 2021

Conquer the canter

Posted 21st March 2022

Perfect your horse’s canter with Dan Greenwood’s three unique exercises

Dan Greenwood improving your horse's canter

Creating a cutting-edge canter is one of the longest but most rewarding journeys a horse and rider can embark on. It certainly takes time and patience, but becoming a stable, balanced and effective rider makes the process run a lot more smoothly. Cantering in balance and on a straight line is a surprisingly tough ask for a less established horse – it doesn’t come naturally to most – yet it’s so easy to take this skill for granted. In fact, it’s the result of cumulative hours spent focusing on exercises to build the qualities that will most help your horse.

When it comes to crafting the perfect canter, the main quality you’re looking to hone is self-carriage – that is, your horse balancing himself without relying on you to micro-manage his way of going. Take a look at one of Dan’s exercises to help achieve this below.

Circle of influence

Most horses are naturally a little crooked, so you as the rider must teach yours how to redistribute his weight so he can build the strength and balance required to work in self-carriage. This exercise is designed to do the hard work for you, as long as you continue to ride forwards.


Dan Greenwood's canter exercise


How to ride it

  1. Pick up a forward but rhythmical canter around the arena. Ride a series of half-halts using your core muscles and seat to check that you have control over the speed, and that your horse feels light in the rein.
  2. In the corner, ride a 10m circle. Look up and ahead, sit your weight slightly to the inside while remaining upright, and take care not to oversteer with the inside rein.
  3. After one whole circle, ride a straight line across the short side of the arena to the other side. The circle will have encouraged your horse’s hindlegs to come underneath him, while reminding you about your own alignment to help with his straightness, too.
  4. Stay on the same rein and ride a half 10m circle in the next corner to bring you onto the centre line.
  5. Ride positively down the centre line, keeping straight by widening your hands and distributing your weight evenly over both seat bones.


Pick up a copy of April Horse&Rider magazine, on sale 24 March 2022, for more great canter exercises.


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