The Magazine October 2023

Poles with purpose: short and sweet

Posted 4th September 2023

Give your horse the ultimate workout with Nina Gill’s pace-perfecting polework exercises


Adding polework to your horse’s exercise regime is a must, no matter your chosen discipline. Not only is it a fun way to test your skills, there are also an endless amount of layouts to try and benefits to take advantage of. So, why not give my giant layout a go to add some spice into your horse’s life?

Getting ready

To get your horse’s brain and body in gear, make sure you warm up thoroughly before riding over the poles. Start off by asking him to work in a long and low frame as this will allow him to stretch over his back and engage his core. Then, think about incorporating lots of progressive and direct transitions to ensure he’s working forwards, using his hindquarters and reacting quickly to your aids. Try to include plenty of circles, too, to encourage your horse to bend around your inside leg, and focus on the size of your circles – making sure you support your horse through the turn by keeping your outside rein close to his neck and outside leg on.

Raise it up

The most beneficial pole layout there is – raised walk poles. This line requires so much from your horse, both mentally and physically, so it’s a great exercise for improving his co-ordination.

Nina’s notes

Do allow your hands forward slightly to encourage your horse to stretch his neck down, work over his back and engage his core. By being able to look down at the poles, he’ll also have a better chance of cleanly stepping over each one. You might find lengthening your reins helps here, but don’t forget to keep your eyes up and leg on.

Don’t ride over the poles flat on the ground first because your horse is then more likely to stumble when you raise them. Make sure you don’t raise the poles too high, either – the extra height won’t bring any additional benefits, and it might hinder your horse’s progress and knock his confidence if it causes him to trip. 

Improve your horse’s co-ordination and make his paces more adjustable with Nina’s polework exercises in October Horse&Rider! Grab your copy today!

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