The Magazine Spring 2024

Time to loosen up

Posted 16th February 2024

Improve your horse’s flexibility with Tom Blazey-Standing’s easy exercises


A horse who can move correctly is more rideable both on the flat and over fences. This leads to a more enjoyable experience in the saddle wherever your passions lie. But stiffness can be a problem for horses of any age, no matter whether they lack impulsion or are forward-going. This issue, I’m going to help you tackle a lack of suppleness.

Multiple causes

If your horse is stiff, you might feel tightness or tension when asking him to lengthen, bend or stretch. Over time, this can cause other parts of his body to compensate, leading to physical problems. That’s why it’s crucial for your riding partnership – and your horse’s ongoing health – to address it.

Stiffness arises for many reasons including wear and tear, injury, stress, uncomfortable tack and rider input, so seeking professional advice can be very worthwhile.

Holistic thinking

The best training plans take a holistic approach that encompasses the mind and body of both horse and rider. If either of you feels physically or emotionally constricted, it will cause issues and may show as stiffness.

You and your horse will have one side that’s dominant and easier to use, and often this will be the same side for both of you. Awareness of this asymmetry is key to creating an integrative training plan.

It takes two

We ask a huge amount from our horses and want them to be relaxed and soft, balanced and rhythmic – but are you supple? Can you bend with ease? If the answer is no, this will, inevitably, have a negative impact on your horse’s way of going.

We spend so much time caring for and riding our horses that we often overlook training ourselves on the ground. However, rider fitness is crucial for effective communication with your horse.

Stiffness in your body restricts motion, which can then make you unbalanced and insecure in your seat. Over time, the uneven load this places on your horse’s joints and muscles can have a real impact on his body.

Yoga and pilates-based exercises are a fantastic way to supple your own body and address any issues with alignment, balance or weakness. If you can’t get to a class, you’ll find lots of free videos online that are tailored to equestrians.

Learn more about how to improve your horse’s flexibility in Spring Horse&Rider. Pick up your copy today!

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